These general terms and conditions (hereinafter the “GTC”) of Cinema City Ltd., registered number: 264 49 242, with headquarters at Praha 4 – Háje, Arkalycká 951/3, postcode 149 00, registered in Commercial Register at the City Court of Prague, section C, file number 82991 (hereinafter the “Operator”) apply to the selling and buying of tickets for cinematic and other Performances organized by the Operator in his cinemas (hereinafter the “Performance”).


The Operator operates the followings facilities:

•    Flora – Vinohradská 151, Atrium Flora, Praha 3 – Žižkov
•    IMAX Flora – Vinohradská 151, Atrium Flora, Praha 3 – Žižkov
•    Letňany – Obchodní centrum Letňany, Veselská 663, Praha 9 – Letňany
•    Nový Smíchov – Obchodní centrum Nový Smíchov, Plzeňská 8, Praha 5 - Smíchov
•    Slovanský dům – Na příkopě 22, Praha 1 – Nové Město
•    Zličín – Metropole Zličín, Řevnická 121/1, Praha 5
•    Chodov – Centrum Chodov, Roztylská 2321/19, Praha 11
•    Olympia – Olympia Brno, U Dálnice 777, Modřice
•    Velký Špalíček – Velký Špalíček, Mečová 2, Brno
•    Liberec – Forum Liberec, Soukenné náměstí 2a/669, Liberec
•    Ostrava – Obchodní a zábavné centrum Nová Karolina, Jantarová 3344/4, Ostrava
•    Pardubice – Cinema City Pardubice, Masarykovo náměstí 2799, Pardubice
•    Plzeň – Centrum Plzeň Plaza, Radčická 2, Plzeň
•    Ústí nad Labem – OC Forum Ústí nad Labem, Bílinská 3490/6, Ústí nad Labem (hereinafter the “Cinemas”).


General terms and conditions include these documents:

1. Terms and conditions
2. Rules for visitors 
3. Purchase of tickets through the internet
4. E-Club rules
5. Visitors’ rules of 4DX theatre
6. Visitors‘ rules of VIP zone
7. Terms and Conditions for on-line services and website
8. Website Terms of use
9. Obchodní podmínky pro nákup on-line dárkových poukázek




1.    General provisions and definitions

1.1 The Terms and conditions (hereinafter the “TC”) specify the Operator’s rights and duties and also the rights and duties of the purchase of the Ticket or E-ticket for the Performance or the purchaser of any goods sold by the Operator (hereinafter the “Customer”). The Operator and Customer are contractual parties in an innominate contract which is entered into according to article 1746, paragraph 2 or article 2079 et seq, on purchase contracts of act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended or according to other contractual relationships.

1.2 The “Ticket” means the ticket which a Customer receives after payment for a cinematic or other Performance which is determined by the date, time, and cinema room number. The Customer shall receive the ticket at the cinema ticket office.

1.3 “E-ticket” means a Ticket bearing a unique QR code which is printed by the Customer or a Ticket in JPEG format with a unique QR code which upon arrival the Customer shows to Staff of the Cinema on a portable electronic device (such as a mobile phone, tablet etc.) or a Ticket which is printed at the cinema ticket office based on the unique transaction number which forms part of confirmation message sent via electronic mail (e-mail) after the prior order and payment for the ticket via the internet.

1.4 “Family Entrance” means a ticket with a reduced price for families. The Family Entrance contains three (3) to five (5) Tickets of which at least one (1) is for adults (18+), but at most two (2) are for adults and at least 1 (one) is for children (up to 12 years).

1.5 “Free ticket” means a Ticket for which the Customer has not paid by cash, credit card or previously purchased voucher (such as a gift voucher, Edenred voucher, Sodexo voucher).

1.6 “Staff” means the Operator’s authorized employees who serve in the operation of the cinema, specifically including ushers, operational employees, security workers, bar staff, cashiers and cinema management. Staff wears a uniform bearing the Operator’s logo and a label which contains the text “Cinema City” and the name and position of the employee.

1.7 “Account” means an individual Cinema City online account of a Customer, within which the data of the registered Customer are collected. The terms of registration, access and use of the Account are detailed in the Terms and Conditions for Online Services.

1.8 “Mobile App” where available an application that Cinema City provides to the Customer, available to download from Apple App Store (IOS) and Google Play (Android). 

1.9 In buying a Ticket or E-ticket the Customer consents to these TC and their annexes and accepts that they are binding upon both contractual parties. These TC are an inseparable part of every contract between the Operator and the Customer.

1.10 These TC and all other Cinema City Terms and Conditions referred to herein are available on the Operator’s website https://www.cinemacity.cz/ (“Website”) wherein the Customer may read and familiarize him or herself with them.

1.11 These TC may be excluded only by the explicit written agreement of both contractual parties.

1.12 Your personal data shall be processed in accordance with our privacy policy. Should you have any questions regarding your rights to personal data protection or should you wish Cinema City to amend or correct any inaccuracy in your personal data, please see Privacy Policy or for further information or please contact us via email.

2.     Sale of the E-ticket

2.1 The sale of an E-ticket is governed by the general terms and conditions for selling tickets via the internet, the Terms and Conditions for Online Services and Cinema City Website Terms of Use, all of which form an integral part of these TC.


3.    Sale of the Ticket at the cinema ticket office

3.1 The Customer can pay for the Ticket by cash or by vouchers which were issued by a third party or by the Operator or by credit card.

3.2 The purchase is determined by the Operator’s current price list which is posted on the website of the Cinema and next to the ticket office.

3.3 The Operator accepts payments for tickets or other goods via credit cards (for example VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club). The Operator also accepts vouchers issued by Sodexo and Edenred. These vouchers shall be used only for payment for tickets for the cinema or other Performances on the Cinema program but not for gift vouchers or other goods offered by the Operator (such as purchases at the Cinema bar or coffee shop). If a Customer pays by Voucher the Operator shall not return in cash the difference of the sum of the voucher and the price of the Ticket or other goods. The Operator shall recommend the Customer use a voucher with a nominal value lower than the price of the ticket or other goods and make up in cash the difference of the nominal value of the voucher and the price to be paid.

3.4 The Customer is obliged to check the Ticket to verify that the seat, Performance, cinema room, time, name of the movie, date of the movie, language, sound version and display version of the projection are correct and also whether the correct change has been given. Any defects later claimed do not have to be considered by the Operator.

3.5 A holder of a valid ZTP/P card has the right to one free place in the cinema hall for each purchased Ticket for another person to act as a guide for the ZTP/P card-holder. The place of the guide shall be next to the Customer or if the Costumer is confined to a wheelchair, the guide’s place shall be as near as possible given the Operator’s places for Customers in wheelchairs. The guide has to be adult with the legal capacity to provide the necessary services for the person guided throughout their time in the Operator’s Cinema and must comply with instructions from the Operator’s Staff. These instructions are necessary for the safety of the person who is accompanied and to ensure a proper and uninterrupted Performance. The guide has to take care of the Customer throughout their visit, including during the Performance, and the guide cannot disturb the Performance.

3.6 Should a Family Entrance be bought, all the tickets have to be for the same movie or Performance.

3.7 The Operator provides a student discount of the Ticket price for students carrying an ISIC or other eligible card or primary school index. The Operator has the right to post a list of the documents which authorize holders to a student discount. The Operator shall provide the student discount only to students up to the age of 26. Each student card or primary school index may be used only for one discounted ticket.

3.8 Senior discount can only be provided to a Customer over 60 years of age.

3.9 A Customer can use a Free ticket only in conjunction with their purchase in that Cinema of another ticket paid for by the Customer in cash, or by credit card or by Edenred or Sodexo voucher.

4.    The Performance

4.1 The Customer shall render the Ticket or E-ticket for inspection prior to entering the Cinema’s chargeable zones. Such inspection shall be done by the Operator’s Staff. The Operator’s Staff have the right to separate the counterfoil from the Ticket or to mark an E-Ticket which has been already inspected by another chosen method in order to prevent abuse such as its use as a Ticket by a third party.

4.2 The Customer has the right to use only the seat in the Cinema which is printed on the Ticket or one such as directed by the Staff.

4.3 The Customer shall have a valid Ticket or E-ticket available for inspection throughout their visit to the Cinema. Should a Customer lose their Ticket in a chargeable zone of the Cinema, particularly in the Cinema halls, the Customer may be asked to leave this area by the Operator. In this event, the Customer has no right to compensation.

4.4 The Customer agrees that the Customer shall respect the Cinema’s visiting rules throughout their time in the Cinema. The Customer has the right to apprise him or herself of the Cinema’s visiting rules where such visiting rules are available in a printed version.

4.5 The Operator is not liable for any damage incurred by a Customer or third party by any change of program or change of the Performance of the Cinema resulting from vis major, including but not limited to a technical failure or power outage.

4.6 The Operator has the right to project in the Cinema hall advertisements with no time limitation and format before the Performance.

4.7 Performances projected in 3D format can be viewed only with special glasses designed for this purpose. The Customer is aware that without these glasses the operator cannot make any quality guarantee, especially regarding 3D effects. The Customer has a right to buy these glasses at the ticket office (such as when buying tickets) after payment for which the Customer has property rights pertaining to the glasses and the Customer has the right to retain the glasses after the Performance (for example for another visit to the Cinema for a 3D movie, for which the Customer does not have to buy new glasses). If the Customer damages the glasses (for example by scratching them or by the discoloration of the glass) the experience of watching a 3D movie may be diminished. This shall not be considered a contractual breach on the part of the Operator. In such a case the Operator recommends the Customer buy new glasses during another visit to the cinema. The Operator does not guarantee that the glasses sold could be used in a Cinema other than the one in which they were bought. The performance in the IMAX 3D can be viewed only with special glasses designed for IMAX 3D which can be bought at the ticket office of the Operator. The Operator recommends to the Customer retain the glasses after the Performance for another visit to the IMAX 3D movie and protect them against damages. Upon purchase, the Customer is obliged to inspect the glasses for damage and correct packaging. The customer has no right to claim against the Operator for breach of contract after the glasses have been used unless the Customer has evidence that the glasses were defective prior to receipt. In the Pardubice Cinema the Operator lends and does not sell the glasses. If the Customer borrows glasses the Customer is obliged to return them immediately after the Performance to the place determined for such return. If the Customer fails to return the glasses the Customer could be prosecuted under penal or other law according to statute applicable with the Czech Republic.

5.    Ticket cancellation

5.1 The Customer has a right to return a purchased, undamaged Ticket. Should the Customer return a damaged Ticket (for example without a counterfoil) the Operator has the right to charge a sum of CZK 250 which the Customer is obliged to pay at the ticket office of the Operator as a handling fee. The head of operations of the Cinema may make exceptions to this rule.

5.2 The head of operations of a Cinema wherein a Customer wishes to return a ticket may offer to the Customer a voucher for another occasion in exchange for the Ticket.

5.3 When the Customer leaves the Cinema the Ticket ceases to be valid and the Customer no longer has the right to enter the chargeable zones of the Cinema.

5.4 The Customer is entitled to return a purchased Ticket only at the ticket office of the multiplex cinema at which it was purchased or through the Mobile Application or through the Customer’s account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB, the conditions of which are set out in a separate general terms and conditions of the loyalty club Cinema City (hereinafter only “My Cinema City”), no later than 2 hours before the beginning of the Performance for which the ticket was bought. For a successful cancelation of a Ticket, it is necessary for the Customer to log into his account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB.

5.5 Tickets paid for by vouchers issued by a third party (such as Edenred and Sodexo) may be returned only on the same day and to the same ticket office at which the Ticket was bought. The Operator will return to the Customer the vouchers issued by the third party even if the ticket was paid for by them.

6.    Reservation of the ticket

6.1 As of the effective date of these TC, the Operator no longer allows the Customer to book a Ticket for any Performance shown in the Operator's multiplexes in advance free of charge. Reservations of Tickets made for any Performance shown in the Operator's multiplexes prior to the effective date of these TC shall remain valid.

7.    Rights arising from defective contractual compliance

7.1 The Customer has the right to require the return of payment or require a replacement Ticket for a paid Ticket or E-ticket only in the following situations:
       7.1.1. The Performance starts more than 45 minutes late.
       7.1.2. There is a defect in either the audio or visual projection arising from a defect in the Cinema’s audio or visual projection equipment, such audio or visual defects not being an effect intended by the movie’s creators for artistic purposes.
       7.1.3. If the Customer wants a refund due to audio or visual defects in a Performance the Customer is obliged to leave the Performance immediately after the defect’s appearance and ask for contractual compensation immediately from the head of operations or otherwise contact Cinema staff. If the Customer asks for the compensation due to a defective Performance after the Customer has watched 90% or more of the Performance or defective movie the Operator has the right to appropriately reduce the Customer’s refund.

7.2 The Customer has the right to claim for defective contract fulfillment from the head of operations in person immediately or by email.

7.3 The Customer has the right to apply his rights arising from a defective contract fulfillment within 5 days of the Performance.

7.4 In seeking to apply his rights arising from a defective contract fulfillment a Customer must show to the Operator the Ticket or E-ticket for the defective Performance. The Customer must describe which part of the Operator’s equipment was defective and the nature of the perceived defective contract fulfillment.

7.5 If a Customer applies his rights pertaining to defective contract fulfillment the Operator has the right to offer him as compensation a ticket voucher with a validity lasting at least 3 months after the day of issue. Should the Customer disagree with such a form of compensation the Operator shall compensate the defective contract fulfillment by paying to the Customer money in the same sum as the cost of the Ticket or E-ticket for the defective Performance.

7.6 Such monetary compensation shall be made by the Operator in the same form as payment was received for the Ticket or E-ticket unless the Operator decides otherwise for operational reasons.

7.7 The Operator shall not provide any compensation or discounts if the Customer cannot attend a Performance because of any reasons which are either the Customer’s fault or not the Operator’s fault.

7.8 The rights arising from a defective contract fulfillment apply only if the Ticket or E-ticket was bought. If the Customer uses a Free ticket the Customer has no rights arising from the defective fulfillment of the contract.

7.9 The Customer can apply his rights regarding defective goods bought in the Cinema’s bar or coffee shop only if the Customer fulfills the following conditions:
       7.9.1 Such rights of defective fulfillment may be taken up by the Customer only with the Cinema’s head of operations.
       7.9.2 Rights of defective contract fulfillment apply only for objective defects and do not apply to the Customer’s subjective feelings such as the taste or aroma of the goods the Operator supplies.
       7.9.3 Immediately upon purchase the Customer shall check the quality of the goods supplied and if the Customer finds any defects he should apply to the Cinema’s head of operations. The goods are determined to be consumed immediately, so any claim made more than 30 minutes after the goods were bought will not be considered.
       7.9.4 Should defects be found, the goods will be replaced or if this is not possible the Operator shall refund the price of the defective goods.
       7.9.5 The Customer has no defective goods rights regarding goods given to the Customer for free by the Operator (for example within the framework of a loyalty program).
       7.9.6 Should a Performance be cancelled the Customer has the right to return goods which have been bought if they are in their original packaging and the consumption of the goods has not begun.

8.    Gift vouchers

8.1 The Operator provides gift vouchers (hereinafter “Vouchers”) only for Tickets to Cinemas operated by the Operator.

8.2 Vouchers with a nominal value corresponding to the basic adult tariff on the Operator’s price list may be bought at the Cinema’s Ticket office. Up to 10 may be bought, dependent upon how many are currently available in the Cinema. Vouchers for special quantity discounts may only be bought at the Operator’s central Ticket office which can be emailed or phoned on  +420 255 742 021.

8.3 The validity of the Voucher is subject to the terms and conditions listed thereon. These terms and conditions are binding, particularly limitations regarding date, type of projection (2D, 3D, 4DX, IMAX, DMR, VIP), the Cinema and the days in the week. The date of validity on the Voucher is the last day upon which the Voucher may be used. The Customer cannot use the Voucher for a Performance after the date of validity which the Voucher contains. There is no option to lengthen the date of validity.

8.4 The Customer can request a current Voucher price list from the e-mail address [email protected] or find the current Voucher price list on the website.

8.5 Purchase of the Voucher is binding for the Customer. A Voucher, once sold by the operator, cannot be returned by the Customer and its period of validity or Voucher type cannot be changed.

8.6 A ticket or e-ticket purchased via a Voucher can only be canceled 2 hours before the start of the performance for which the ticket or e-ticket was purchased by the Customer via the Voucher. The Customer will receive a Free Ticket from the Operator for the canceled ticket or e-ticket entitling him to exchange it for a new ticket in the period specified by the Operator. In the event that the Voucher for which the ticket or e-ticket was purchased did not entitle the Customer to purchase a ticket or e-ticket to visit the 4DX hall or the VIP or IMAX hall, the Operator is entitled to restrict the Free Ticket handed over to the Customer to a similar extent. The Customer is not allowed to cancel a ticket or e-ticket less than 2 hours before the start of the performance for which it was purchased.

9.    Closing provisions

9.1 Situations wherein the use of these TC is impossible are subject to act no. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended.

9.2 The Operator has the right to make appropriate changes to these TC at any time. Such a change becomes valid immediately following the posting of the new TC.

9.3 These TC are presented in two versions, English and Czech. Should any perceived inconsistencies arise between these two versions, the Czech version shall prevail.

10.    Validity

10.1 These TC are valid from 9/11/2023.


Cinema City Rules for Visitors


Cinema City wants all of its customers to enjoy their visit to its cinemas. To help ensure this, admission to any Cinema City cinema is subject to the following terms and conditions. By purchasing or using a Cinema City cinema ticket, customers agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1.    These Rules are available on the Operator’s website, www.cinemacity.cz, and in ticket offices wherein the Customer may read and familiarize him or herself with them.

2.    The Rules must be respected by all Customers during all visits to any of the Operator’s Multiplex Cinemas in the Czech Republic. The Rules for the 4DX Auditorium must also be respected for all visits to the 4DX Auditorium. The Rules for the VIP Auditorium must also be respected for all visits to the VIP Auditorium.

3.    Customers are obliged to familiarise themselves with these Rules in detail before buying an admission ticket. By purchasing an admission ticket the Customer confirms that he or she is familiar with the Rules for Visitors in detail, understands them, consents to them and will respect them.

4.    Customers are also fully responsible for making sure that the children they accompany respect the Rules. Customers are obliged to inform children of the Rules in a timely and appropriate manner and to ensure adherence to these rules to a suitable extent.

5.    Any breach of the Rules constitutes sufficient reason to eject a Customer from a Performance and/or a Multiplex Cinema premises without any entitlement to a refund of the admission price or any compensation or damages. This also applies to a Customer accompanying a child or person with limited legal capacity who breaches the Rules.

6.    A Customer may only enter an auditorium with a valid admission ticket for the Performance stated on the ticket. Customers must leave the auditorium without undue delay following the end of the Performance. The ticket is valid only for the Performance, auditorium and the place in the auditorium as stated on the ticket.

7.    Customers must be prepared to present their admission ticket stub for inspection at any time during the Performance. If a Customer fails to comply, employees of the Operator are authorized to eject such a Customer from the Multiplex Cinema.

8.    Customers must arrive for the beginning of a Performance in a timely manner so as not to disturb other Customers. The Operator’s employees are authorised to seat any late-arriving Customer in an alternative seat in order to avoid disturbing other Customers. Other than in the aforementioned situation, Customers are always obliged to sit in the auditorium in the seat shown on their admission ticket. If, for any reason, it is not possible to sit in this seat, the Customer must immediately inform an employee of the Operator and follow the instructions given.

9.    If the Customer is seated by an employee of the Operator in a seat other than the one shown on the admission ticket, that Customer shall not be entitled to a discount on or a refund of the admission price.

10.    For safety reasons, Customers are required to remain in their seats in the auditorium during a performance and not loiter in any other areas.

11.    Under the terms of this provision, a person with a valid ZTP/P (severe health disability requiring special care/needing special assistance) card and purchased admission ticket is entitled to a free admission ticket for an accompanying person. Seats shown on these admission tickets are always next to each other. (In the case of a person in a wheelchair, a seat for the accompanying person shown on an admission ticket must be located closest to the spaces for wheelchairs). The accompanying person can be any fully sui juris adult who is fully capable of continuously providing the necessary assistance to the accompanied person. The assistance must be provided with a high degree of care throughout the accompanied person’s presence in the Multiplex Cinema and the accompanying person is obliged to follow all instructions given by the Operator’s employees. The accompanying person is obliged to pay attention to the accompanied person’s needs throughout the Performance.

12.    The Operator does not recommend bringing to a Performance a child of less than 3 years of age. Children of less than 3 years of age may only attend a Performance if accompanied by an adult and under that adult’s continual supervision. Children of between 3 and 12 years of age may only attend a Performance if accompanied by a person older than 15 years of age.

13.    A Customer may not disturb other customers during a Performance to an extent in excess of that which is usual for the nature of both the Performance and the audience.

14.    Mobile telephones and all other electronic equipment must be switched off for the entire duration of a Performance. It is prohibited to take any audio or video footage during a Performance. In the case of a breach of this provision, the Customer may be at risk of criminal or other legal sanctions under the applicable laws of the Czech Republic.

15.    It is prohibited to take anything into a Multiplex Cinema other that those items of immediate necessity or those normally carried by a reasonable person. Primarily, it is prohibited to take into a Multiplex Cinema any dangerous items or weapons. It is also prohibited to use any sports or entertainment equipment on the premises of the Multiplex Cinema, such as roller skates, skateboards etc. It is prohibited to take or lead animals into a Multiplex Cinema except assistance dogs accompanying disabled Customers. Customers are obliged to follow the Operator’s employees’ instructions and deposit the aforementioned prohibited items such as required by the Operator’s employees.

16.    Customers must keep all items which they take with them into the Multiplex Cinema under continual control, even during the Performance, and to protect them from loss, theft or damage by other persons. The Operator is not liable for damage to items Customers take with them into a Multiplex Cinema.

17.    With the exception of Performances for children, Performances might contain indecent, violent, offensive or otherwise problematic scenes. Performances might also be very loud at certain points. Intensive audio and video passages might occur suddenly and unexpectedly.

18.    The Operator is not liable for the content of the films, advertisements and trailers screened. All customers must consider in advance whether attending the Performance they have chosen might harm them or the children they are accompanying. Customers in particular being obliged to consider whether it is suitable for a person younger than 12 to attend a Performance stated as unsuitable for children under 12 years of age.

19.    It is prohibited to attend a Performance unless the customer meets the age limit requirements specified by the manufacturer or distributor of audiovisual works within the meaning of the provision § 4 points c) and d) of Act No. 496/2012 Coll., on Audiovisual. Upon request, all Customers are obliged to prove to the Operator’s employees that they meet the age limit requirements for attending a Performance.

20.    The consumption of food, alcoholic and soft drinks purchased outside the premises of the Operator’s Multiplex Cinema is prohibited in all areas of the Multiplex Cinema. It is prohibited to take any hot meals onto the premises of the Multiplex Cinema. It is prohibited to smoke or consume addictive and/or other narcotic or psychotropic substances. It is prohibited to enter the premises of any Multiplex Cinema under the influence of alcohol and/or other narcotic or psychotropic substances. It is prohibited to use electronic cigarettes or any items or substances that disturb other Customers to an extent in excess of that which is usual for attending Performances. In case of doubt, Customers are obliged to follow the Operator’s employees’ instructions.

21.    It is prohibited for Customers to enter areas which are reserved only for the Operator’s employees.

22.    If required, Customers may contact the cinema manager through an Operator’s employee.

23.    The Operator is not liable for harm to the health of a Customer or for damage to items a Customer takes onto the premises of the Multiplex Cinema if such harm or damage is not directly caused by the Operator. If a Customer or accompanied child causes harm or damage to themselves or to other Customers by failing to respect the Rules, that Customer or that Customer’s accompanying adult shall be held personally liable.

24.    Offensive or otherwise inappropriate, disruptive behaviour on the premises of a Multiplex Cinema could result in a Customer or an entire group of Customers being ejected from the premises of the Multiplex Cinema without any entitlement to a refund of the admission price. This also applies to Customers who are very inappropriately dressed (e.g. wearing a swimming costume, provocative clothing, very dirty clothing etc.) and to Customers who noticeably neglect personal hygiene.

25.    The Operator is entitled to interrupt or cancel a Performance should a Customer refuse to obey the call of the Operator’s employee to leave the auditorium in the event of improper behaviour. Such a Customer is fully liable for damage to the Operator and/or other Customers.

26.    It is prohibited to move from one auditorium to another without a valid admission ticket for the Performance in the second auditorium.

27.    Customers are allowed to use emergency exits only in an evacuation of a Multiplex Cinema.

28.    In order to maintain Customer safety, Customers are obliged to remain in their seats until the Multiplex Cinema’s lights are turned on.

29.    Performances projected in a 3D format can be watched only with special glasses designed for this purpose. The borrowing or purchase of such glasses is not included in the admission ticket price. Customers are entitled to buy the glasses in the Operator’s ticket office (e.g. together with payment for an admission ticket) and pick them up at the entrance to the auditorium auditorium. The Operator does not guarantee the usability of glasses in a Multiplex Cinema other than that where the Customer purchases them. Performances in the IMAX 3D auditorium can be watched only with special IMAX 3D glasses purchased in the Operator’s ticket office. It is not possible to purchase glasses in the Pardubice Multiplex Cinema: it is only possible to borrow them there. Should a Customer borrow glasses, they must be returned without undue delay to the place stated by the Operator following the end of the Performance. In the case of a breach of the obligation to return the glasses the Customer may be at risk of criminal or other legal sanctions under the applicable laws of the Czech Republic.

30.    The Operator reserves the right to amend these Rules at any time. Such amendments become effective at such time as the new version of the Rules is published.

31.    These Rules come into the force and become effective upon their publication, that is, upon 3/12/2020.



Recitals and definitions

These Terms and Conditions apply when purchasing tickets for movie and other shows operated by Cinema City Czech s.r.o. (the "Operator"), and only when purchasing through the website www.cinemacity.cz. The conditions specify and clarify the rights and obligations of the seller (the Operator) and the buyer (the "Customer").
The "ticket" is purchased and printed-out ticket at the box office of multiplex cinemas operated by Cinema City Czech s.r.o.
The "e - ticket" is a ticket with a numerical and bar codes, printed out by the Customer, or the e-ticket in PDF or JPG format with a numerical and bar codes presented by the Customer by mobile electronic devices (i.e. by the mobile phone, tablet etc.) or the ticket printed out at box office of multiplex cinemas operated by Cinema City Czech s.r.o. based on the unique number (the transaction number) included in the confirmation e-mail, and always after ordering and payment of the ticket through the internet.
The Customer agrees with these Terms and Conditions, which are binding on both parties.

Method of ticket purchase

The Customer can purchase the e-ticket for the specific show through the internet and pay for the price and a non-refundable handling or other fee for using the online purchase option according to the created order through payment systems PayPal and PayU. PayPal supports payments performed by the PayPal account. PayU supports fast bank transactions and payments performed by payment cards.
The e-tickets which may be purchased through the internet are: Adults, Kids (under 12 years of age), Students, Seniors, disabled (ZTP/P), Ladies Night in 2D and 3D format (with or without 3D glasses).
In case of purchasing the Kids (under 12 years of age), Students, Seniors, disabled (ZTP and ZTP/P), customer needs to confirm the right to use these tickets by presenting a documentation of their status at the box office and also at the usher stand.
The e-ticket can be bought at any time prior to the commencement of the show chosen from the cinema program, but not later than the time stated in the program on the website www.cinemacity.cz. After stated time, the Customer may buy only tickets for unoccupied seats at box office in the cinema.
A non-refundable fee of CZK 24 (CZK 20 for family offer) is charged to the Customer for the e-ticket purchase.
This fee is charged for purchasing tickets to our cinemas on-line, using our e-shop, it’s not charged for payment by credit card. Purchasing online means buying a product or a service using e-shop, which is placed on website Purchase could be made using electronical and mobile devices and doesn’t matter on payment or delivery method. This fee is charged for every ticket, which is bought through the e-shop. This fee is not charged for purchasing tickets at the box offices in our cinemas.
When the e-ticket for specific show is chosen and checked, the Customer is obliged to fill in the displayed electronic form and enter all required information. Once the Customer has completed the order form for an e-ticket, the total purchase price which the Customer is required to pay is displayed. Such purchase price is the current and final price for the ordered show, i.e. including fees and possible discounts granted. Providing of personal data is necessary to complete and deliver the e-ticket to the Customer. The Customer shall also has the option to purchase a ticket at the box offices in our cinemas without the necessity to provide us with your personal data.
Consequently, the Customer chooses the way of delivery of the e-ticket. The Customer may choose “Print at Home” and have the ticket displayed in JPG format and have the ticket sent by email, or “Pick-up at box office” and pick it up at the box office of the cinema based on the unique number of paid order (the transaction number). In case the choice is “Pick-up at box office” such a ticket is available at the box office of the cinema where the ordered show shall be played.
In case the Customer omits to choose the delivery method, the “Print at Home” method shall be automatically chosen.
After completing the order for the e-ticket, the Customer is redirected to the secure payment gateway PayPal or PayU, throughout which the Customer performs the payment. After performing the payment through the payment gateways PayPal or PayU, the Customer is redirected back to the site www.cinemacity.cz.
After the payment of the purchase price for the e-ticket and successful completion of the order, a confirmation e-mail to by Customer provided e-mail address is sent and it includes:
    a.     In case of selection “Pick-up at box office” a unique number of performed and paid e-ticket (the transaction number). By presenting this number at the box office of the cinema, the Customer shall have the ticket issued. The confirmation e-mail shall not serve as a ticket.

b.     In case of selection “Printed at Home” a unique number of performed and paid e-ticket (the transaction number) and valid e-ticket (e-tickets) granting the access to the cinema (serves as the ticket). The payment is completed if the Customer receives the e-mail confirming the payment to provided e-mail address only. The numeric and bar codes on the e-ticket are valid only once, i.e. no subsequent presentation of the numerical and bar codes shall be considered as at the presentation of the e-ticket, and admission to the cinema will not be granted on that basis, regardless of who is presenting the e-ticket in question. In case the bar code shall be defective, the e-ticket shall be verified by the numerical code of the e-ticket. The unique number of paid e-ticket for specific show may be used for pick-up the e-tickets only once. The e-mail confirmation shall not establish the automatic right to issue the e-ticket, regardless of who is submitting the confirmation.
If claiming a discount, the Customer is obliged to prove the eligibility to receive the discounted e-ticket by submitting a valid document entitling the holder to the discount. If the Customer does not prove the entitlement of the discounted e-ticket, entry into the cinema shall not be allowed. In this case, e-tickets can be cancelled and new tickets shall be bought on the box office. Cancellation rules of the e-tickets is described below. For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, the discounted entry is considered only an entry according to the valid price list.
Up to 10 tickets may be purchased within one transaction.

Cancellation of E-tickets

The cancellation of the e-ticket purchase (the “Cancellation”) may be realised without stating a reason via e-mail to [email protected], in person at the ticket office of the multiplex cinema or using the Mobile Application or the Customer’s account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB. For a successfull cancelation of a Ticket, it is necessary for the Customer to log into his account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB.

Cancellation of the e-tickets via the Mobile Application or the Customer's account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB is possible only by canceling the entire transaction of which the e-ticket is a part, ie. for all e-tickets purchased through the one transaction.

In case the e-ticket is purchased in less than 14 days before the commencement of the show for which the e-ticket has been purchased, the Customer shall be entitled to cancel such e-ticket not later than (i) 2 hours before the commencement of the show for which the e-ticket has been purchased, in case the Customer claims the Cancelation by an e-mail, by a telephone, in person at the ticket office of the multiplex cinema, in which the performance for which the e-ticket was purchased is to be screened or through the Customer’s account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB.  Money for tickets purchased through the internet shall be refunded exclusively by a wire transfer.

In case the e-ticket is purchased in less than 14 days before the commencement of the show for which the e-ticket has been purchased, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that the service (i.e. the show) which shall be provided on the basis of purchased e-ticket will be provided in less than 14 days from the day of the purchase pursuant Section 1829 (1) of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended and the Customer shall not be entitled to cancel such purchased e-ticket after the time limits stated above (i.e. 2 hours before the commencement of the show, in case the Customer claims the Cancellation by an e-mail or by a telephone, in person at the ticket office of the multiplex cinema, in which the performance for which the e-ticket was purchased is to be screened or through the Customer’s account in My Cinema City or Cinema City CLUB,). If the Customer claims the Cancellation after the above stated time limits, the Cancellation claim shall be rejected as delayed.
When claiming the Cancellation, it is necessary to specify the unique number of realised and paid reservation (the transaction number) and the payment method.

If in the process of buying tickets the amount of purchase price for the e-tickets is debited from the Customer's account, but there are no e-tickets showed or confirmation e-mail has not been received, the Customer is entitled to claim refunding non-provided paid services with the bank issued the payment card used by the Customer to pay for the e-tickets only.


Reclamation of provided service, i.e. the show, for which the e-ticket has been purchased, may be claimed at the manager of the cinema where the specific show is or was performed.
It is in the sole discretion of the cinema manager to decide whether such reclamation is justified, regarding the nature of the specific reason.
Shall the manager accept the reclamation as justified, the manager shall in his/her sole discretion, refund the Customer in form of free ticket for similar show or in form of refunding money for purchased e-ticket for claimed show. Money for e-tickets purchased through the internet shall be refunded exclusively by a wire transfer.

Final provisions

These Terms and Conditions apply in the version presented on the website of the Operator as of the date of the e-ticket purchase show by the Customer.
By purchasing the e-tickets the Customer accepts all the provisions of the terms and conditions and is irrevocably bound on them.
On the extent of applicable law, the Operator has the right to change these Terms and Conditions for the purchase of e-tickets through the internet as well as add or remove any parts thereof in its sole discretion and without a prior notice. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions become effective on such a date.
The wording of these terms becomes effective on 13/11/2023.



1)    Membership in Cinema City Club

Cinema City Czech s.r.o., Identification No. 26449242, with its registered office at Arkalycká 951/3, 149 00 Prague 4 Háje, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 82991 (“Cinema City”), operates a loyalty club of Cinema City and grants points to be allocated to you in the manner described below to your account as a member of the Cinema City Club upon each purchase of the specified goods or services using your valid card. Membership in the Cinema City Club is connected with your consent with the following terms and conditions, which you provide by completing a registration form via the www.cinemacity.cz website, and payment of year membership fee of CZK 100. Use of the Cinema City Website and online account in connection with your Cinema City Club membership is also subject to the Cinema City Terms and Conditions for online services and Cinema City Website terms of use.  Following successful registration, you will be rewarded with 15 points to your account. Membership in the club and the card are not transferrable. Only a natural person aged at least 16 years may be a member of the Cinema City Club.


2)    Gaining Points

Whenever you buy movie tickets at the Cinema City box offices upon submission of a valid Cinema City Club, we will allocate 10% of the purchase price of such tickets in the form of points directly to your personal account as a Cinema City Club member (in case of purchase tickets to 2D, 3D and IMAX screening). In case of purchase tickets to VIP screening you will get 20 points on your account for each ticket. In case of purchase 4DX ticket, you gain points aaccordingly to the price breakdown of the ticket.

Table nr. 1

You will be rewarded with points each time you buy movie tickets for movie theaters operated by Cinema City. While buying tickets online thru our website www.cinemacity.cz after signing in as a club member you will always be rewards 15% as a points on your account. (In case of purchase tickets to 2D, 3D and IMAX screening.) In case of purchase VIP tickets you gain 20 points per each ticket and in case of buing 4DX tickets you gain points according the Table nr. 1. No rounding of points applies. You may check the status of your personal account of the Cinema City Club member in Activities section right after you sign in as a club member on our web site or at any time at box offices of Cinema Cities movie houses. Each gained point has an expiration after one year. Expired point will be automatically removed from the account.

3)   Usage of Points

You may use the loyalty points in your account as a Cinema City Club member for purchases free tickets, fountain drinks or popcorn, excluding cinema menu. The value of one point is CZK 1. Points are valid 1 year from their allocation to the account. The value of points cannot be refunded in cash. Each point is valid for one year (365 days). Amount of point on your account cannot be returned in money. You can use your point even after the expiration of your membership. Points can be used for ticket purchase for standard 2D, 3D and IMAX. Points cannot be used for screenings in VIP and 4DX.

4)   Other Benefits of Membership in Cinema City Club

As another service to Cinema City Club members, Cinema City undertakes:
To provide a discount from each ticket in the amount of CZK 20 (limited to the maximum of 4 tickets for one specific performance, including 3D,IMAX, and VIP performances discount cannot be applied during special events with it’s own pricelist., if you submit a valid membership card or, when purchasing online at the website www.cinemacity.cz.
To send regular invitations to special promotional events of Cinema City based on the consent with Personal Data processing which you have provided us during your registration.

5) Online Account 

You may be given access to a Cinema City online account (“Account”) for use in connection with your Cinema City Club membership.    On completion of the Cinema City Club registration process, Cinema City will automatically create and register an Account for you (if you don’t have an Account already) and the Account will be subject to the Online Account Terms of Use as well as these Cinema City Loyalty Club rules. If you already have an Account prior to joining Cinema City Club then your membership will be associated with the Account, during the registration process, to enable you to use your account in connection with your Cinema City Club membership.  
Cinema City does not guarantee that the Accounts or facilities or functions available within them will always be available or be uninterrupted. You may only use the facilities and functions made available in the Account by Cinema City at the time of use. Cinema City may update, change, withdraw, suspend or restrict availability or access to Accounts or any functions o

r facilities within them from time to time and without notice to reflect changes to its products and services, users' needs and our business priorities or for technical reasons.
Termination or expiry of your Cinema City Club membership does not mean the Account will be closed automatically and your may continue to use the Account in accordance with and subject to the Online Account Terms of Use. 

6) Personal Data Protection

Your personal data shall be processed in accordance with our privacy policy. Should you have any questions regarding your rights to personal data protection or should you wish Cinema City to amend or correct any inaccuracy in your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy for further information which you can find on our website https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/cs/cz/privacy-policy-cz or please contact: [email protected]

7)   Lost of Card and Liability

In the event of lost of your card, you may request the issuance of a new card. If the original card is canceled, a replacement card will be issued free of charge. If the replacement card is issued for a second time, Cinema City will charge a fee of CZK 50, for the third or another time the charge is CZK 100. If a replacement card is issued, all acquired points will remain in the account. Cinema City is not liable for any damage caused by the loss of your card or its abuse by a third person unless it is established that the damage occurred due to actions on the part of Cinema City.


8)   Membership Validity

Your membership in Cinema City CLUB is valid one Year (365 days). After the expiration of membership, you cannot use any more advantages that are linked with Cinema City Club like 20 discount per ticket, collect points, gain special birthday present, take part in competition for Cinema City Club members, be part of special screenings a deal only for Cinema City CLUB members. You can still use the point you gained during your membership.


9) Termination

You may terminate your membership in the Cinema City Club for any reason at any time. Cinema City may terminate operations of the loyalty club or your participation in it at any time and for any reason with a one-month termination notice. Cinema City may also terminate your participation in the loyalty club with immediate effect should you breach these terms or should abuse of your card be established. The termination must be in writing and shall be sent to the last address as notified by you to Cinema City. Upon lapse of the notice period or if your membership in the loyalty club is terminated with immediate effect, you are obligated to discard your card and refrain from further use. Neither the lump sum membership fee nor the value of loyalty points deposited in your account will be reimbursed to you upon the termination of your membership in the Cinema City Club.

10)   Extension/Renewal Membership

You can extend your membership online on www.cinemacity.cz. Year membership of 100 CZK has to be paid. New membership starts with the day of Extension or Renewal of membership and lasts from that day for another 365 days. Renewing the membership won´t cost losing points.


11) Changes to System/Terms of Cinema City Club

Cinema City reserves the right to terminate, amend or change the Cinema City Club system. Cinema City further reserves the right to change or amend these terms and conditions. The current version of these terms and conditions will be available on the website www.cinemacity.cz. If you do not agree with any change of these terms and conditions, please be advised that you may terminate your membership in the Cinema City Club at any time.

12)   Miscellaneous

In the event of any queries regarding the system of the Cinema City Club or requests for termination of your participation in this loyalty club, please contact: [email protected].

Valid from 3/12/2020


Visitors‘ rules of 4DX Theatre

Valid since 3/12/2020



1.    Before you purchase the ticket for the motion picture presentation in a 4DX theatre, make yourself familiar with these Visitors’ rules. Also make yourself familiar with the list of 4DX features that is located next to the Visitors’ Rules. Motion picture presentation in these Visitors’ Rules means augmentation of the projection with all 4DX effects.

2.    By purchasing your ticket and by entering the 4DX theatre you confirm that you are thoroughly familiar with, understand, agree to and undertake to comply with, the Visitors’ rules.

3.    Effects during the projection are sudden and rather strong. If you have the slightest doubts whether you are going to enjoy the 4DX projection, then you should better avoid it.

4.    If you or the minors accompanied by you have any medical problems, consult your physician before visiting a 4DX movie and follow their recommendations. Observe all health-related bans and recommendations stated below in these Visitors’ Rules.

5.    Some viewers may suffer from headache, locomotor system pains, dizziness, problems caused by jets of air or other minor complications and, in extraordinary cases, from epilepsy symptoms during or after the projection.

6.    You are fully responsible for compliance with the Visitors’ Rules by minors accompanied by you. Inform them in a timely and suitable manner about all important rules of the visit in a 4DX theatre and supervise them during the projection.

7.    If your or the minors accompanied by you cause damage to yourselves or other visitors due to failure to observe the Visitors’ Rules, you are fully liable for such damage.



8.    During the projection, stay fully focused on the movie at all times and be ready for unexpected effects.

9.    The seats of the 4DX system will move or vibrate. Sit upright and keep your feet on the footrest.

10.    Make sure your things will not fall, spill out, leak out, blow away or stain. Scarves, hats, caps or other light things blown away may directly interfere with the projection and its special effects.

11.    You may be hit by clean water or bubbles from treated water that may stain cloth, especially silk.

12.    Do not get up and leave during the movie unless absolutely necessary. Be extremely careful during any movement; the seats may move unexpectedly at any time or other effects may start.

13.    Do not lift up items fallen or blown away as well as spilt food or beverages during the projection. Wait until the end of the movie.

14.    Make sure parts of your body or clothing do not get between the moving seats, or between the seats and walls or stairs during the projection as you may get injured or your clothes may get damaged.

15.    Do not get close (especially with your eyes) to the special effects units, especially blowers and jets and also avoid the contact of your things with the same otherwise you may suffer injury or damage to your items.

16.    Be prepared that the projection may be disturbed due to failure to observe the rules by other visitors (especially flying items).

17.    The cinema operator shall bear no liability for injuries of other medical problems arising from failure to observe the Visitors’ Rules or damage or loss of your items brought into the theatre that were not sufficiently secured or protected

For the sake of your safety and in order to prevent undesired consequences and inconvenience, you are not allowed to enter if you suffer from:

•    Epilepsy
•    High blood pressure
•    Cardiovascular problems
•    Locomotor systtem, especially spine problems
•    Orthopaedic problems
•    Other serious medical conditions


The following persons are not recommended to visit a 4DX projection:

•    Pregnant women
•    Persons suffering from breathing problem and allergies
•    Persons under the influence of alcohol and drugs
•    Children under 4 years of age
•    Persons slammer than 100 cm


Valid since 3/12/2020



1.    These VIP Visiting Rules supplement the Cinema City Visiting Rules. The provisions of the Cinema City Visiting Rules shall apply to all matters and situations not regulated in these VIP Visiting Rules.

2.    The customer is obliged to familiarize himself/herself with these VIP Visiting Rules prior to purchasing a ticket for the screening in the VIP Hall of Cinema City. By purchasing a ticket, the customer confirms to have made himself/herself properly familiar with these VIP Visiting Rules, to understand them, to agree to them and to undertake to follow them.

3.    The customer is obliged to particularly follow fundamental hygienic habits while consuming refreshments served in the VIP Zone and to follow the instructions of the serving staff in the VIP Hall of the given multiplex of Cinema City.

4.    It is only allowed to use the tools designated for the consumption of refreshments.

5.    All dishes served on the premises of the VIP Halls are specifically intended for direct consumption and they shall not be carried out of the premises of the VIP Zone.

6.    The customers may access the VIP Zone no sooner than 30 minutes before the beginning of the screening for which they had purchased a ticket.

7.    Upon entering the VIP Zone, the customer is entitled to unlimited consumption of warm and cold buffet, popcorn, nachos and beverages with the exception of alcoholic beverages.

8.    The VIP Zone may only be accessed with refreshments purchased on the premises of the given multiplex.

9.    The screening hall may only be accessed with refreshments which do not form part of warm and cold buffet or with alcoholic beverages.
        -    Permitted refreshments for the screening hall: popcorn, nachos, post-mix drinks, water, coffee in a paper cup and alcoholic beverages purchased on the premises of the multiplex.

10.    The screening hall of the multiplex shall not be accessed with porcelain or glass tableware, except for glasses intended for consumption of alcoholic beverages.

11.    The warm and cold buffet is available to the customers also for 30 minutes after the beginning of their screening, and the self-service bar for 60 minutes after the beginning of their screening.

12.    After the end of the screening, the customer is obliged to leave the VIP Zone and is not entitled to consume any refreshments offered in the VIP Zone.




1.    These terms and conditions for online services and website terms of use (hereinafter the “Terms”) of Cinema City Czech s.r.o., registered number: 26449242, seated at Prague 4 - Háje, Arkalycká 951/3, ZIP 14900 (hereinafter “Cinema City”, “we” or “us”) apply to the use of Cinema City’s website, https://www.cinemacity.cz/#/ (“Web Site”) and Mobile Applications for iPhone and Android (website and mobile applications together hereinafter the “Sites”), including use of the online services made available on the Sites (“Services”). 

2.    By using the Sites and any Services, Users confirm that they have read, understood and accept these Terms and agree to comply with them.  If Users do not agree to these Terms, they must not use the Sites.  Users must read these Terms carefully and make sure that they understand them before proceeding to use the Sites or any Services.

3.    PLEASE NOTE: Users must be aged 13 years old or over to access our Sites. Additional terms and conditions and age restrictions may apply for any purchases made and use of Services on the Sites, such as a minimum age of 16 years to join E-Club or register for an online account.  Where Additional Terms apply, Users will be prompted to view such additional terms and conditions on our Sites at the time of purchase or registration and those terms and conditions will apply in addition to these Terms. 

4.    These Terms refer to additional terms, which also apply to the User’s use of the Sites:
        (i)    Cinema City Privacy Policy at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/privacy-policy-cz.  See further under Personal Data Processing.
       (ii) Cinema City Cookie Policy at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/privacy-policy-cz, which sets out information about the cookies on the Sites. If Users make purchases on the Sites such as purchase of cinema tickets or gift cards, or register for a Cinema City Online Account (“Account”), the relevant Cinema City Regulations at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/terms-and-conditions-cinema-city will also apply.

5.    User’s use of the Mobile Applications is also subject to the terms of the operating systems providers, such as Google Play Terms of Service  https://www.google.com/mobile/android/market-tos.html and Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/pl/terms.html. If and to the extent the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store modify their respective terms and conditions for downloading or using mobile applications, Cinema City shall not be responsible or liable for any such modifications, including any that vary from this Agreement.

6.    A copy of these Terms and all other Cinema City Regulations is available free of charge on the Cinema City Web Site https://www.cinemacity.cz/#/  in a form available for reading, recording and printing out for the purpose of User’s own personal records.  Please refer to the Cinema City Website Terms of Use below for further details regarding use of content and materials made available on the Cinema City Site, including section 8 (Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights).      

7.    The Terms shall be governed by the law of the Czech Republic.

8.    These Terms are presented in two versions, English and Czech. Should any perceived inconsistencies arise between these two versions, the Czech version shall prevail.

9.    The wording of these Terms becomes effective on [insert date].

10.    To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cinema City has the right to change these Terms (including the Account Terms) as well as to add or remove any parts thereof in its sole discretion and without prior notice. Any changes to these Terms become effective on the date the updated Terms are published on the Web Site and Cinema City will not be liable for any damages caused by any changes to these Terms.   


1.    In these Terms, the following words have the meanings set out against them:
“User” – a natural person who visits the Sites and/or uses the online services provided by Cinema City on the Sites. 
“Registration” – completion and submission of the online registration form for an Account by the User for the purposes of applying for and using an Account;
“Password “- a string of alphanumeric characters specified by the User, necessary to authorize the User during Registration and subsequent Logging. 
“Login” – User's e-mail address provided during Registration;
“Logging” – entering an individual identifier (Login) and Password, allowing the User access to the contents of the Account following Registration by the User; 
“Mobile Application” – an application that Cinema City provides to the User, available to download from App Store (IOS) and Google Play (Android).
“Privacy Policy” - Cinema City’s privacy policy which provides details of how Cinema City may collect and use User’s personal information, and the choices Users can make about how their personal information is used, available at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/privacy-policy-cz.


1.    In addition to the other Terms, the following Account Terms apply to (i) the Cinema City Online Account area of the Sites and (ii) registration for and use of a Cinema City online account (an “Account”). By registering for and using an Account the Account Holder accepts all the provisions of these Account Terms and is irrevocably bound by them.

2.    To register for an Account the User must be aged 16 years old or over and if they are a natural person with limited legal capacity, he/she may only use register for and use the Account subject to the consent of the parent or legal guardian, made available in writing at any time upon Cinema City's request. 

3.    Users may register for an Account for themselves, by completing the application form submitting their details and confirming their agreement to the Account Terms on the Account registration page on the Web Site at [insert link to online account registration page]. Each person may only have one Account at any time. To register an Account of behalf of the User the valid consent of the User must be obtained prior to registration (and a copy of the consent provided to Cinema City on request). Cinema City will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any unauthorized registration.

4.    Users are required to provide their name, family name and a valid email address when signing up for an Account. Users must also establish login details for the Account (including a password), and accept the Account Terms and the Privacy Policy during the Account registration process. Users will also have the opportunity to consent to receive marketing communications (although consent to receive marketing messages is optional and not a condition of registration or use of the Account). Cinema City will use this personal information to provide the Account Holder with the online functions available within the Account, including facilitating the Account Holder’s purchase of products and services via the Account. These details will also be used to identify the Account Holder when they visit and interact with other areas of the Sites. If an Account Holder is between 16 and 18 years old they may provide their parent or guardian’s email address and contact details if they prefer (provided they have obtained their parent’s or guardian’s consent to do so).

5.    Account Holders may also provide other (optional) information about themselves in their Account profile such as their date of birth, mobile phone number and favorite cinema and also save their payment details for use when purchasing tickets and other goods and services from the Web Site. 

6.    Users must ensure that all information provided in connection with their registration for an Account is true, accurate, current and complete. 

7.    Successful completion of the application for an Account will be confirmed when the successful applicant (“Account Holder”) is granted automatic login and access to the Account. Please note that there is no legal right for a User to be granted an Account and Cinema City may decline a User’s application for an Account at its discretion, in which case Cinema City will notify them as soon as practicable.    

8.    Access to the Account is restricted to authorized Users only. Account Holders may only use the Account and the functions and facilities made available within them in accordance with applicable law and these Account Terms. 

9.    The Account Holder is solely responsible in all respects for any use of the username and password which the Account Holder selects when registering for a My Cineworld account. The Account Holder must not share their password with or transfer it to anyone else. The Account Holder should refer to the Cinema City Website and Mobile Applications Terms of Use, in particular section 9 (Safe and lawful use of the Sites) for further details and guidance about maintaining the security of the Account and keeping the Password safe.   

10.    If the Account Holder becomes aware of any unauthorized use of their username and password, they must notify Cinema City immediately either by emailing [email protected], or by telephoning +420 255 742 021). Cinema City is not liable for any unauthorized use or for any costs, losses or damages caused by authorized or unauthorized access to an Account based on the action or negligence of the Account Holder.

Information provided 

11.    Cinema City will use personal information provided during the registration process and in Account Holders’ Accounts to provide the Account facilities, functions and services and, where consent has been obtained, marketing communications. Cinema City’s Privacy Policy contains more detail about how Cinema City collects and uses Account Holders’ personal information. Account Holders should read the Privacy Policy carefully and make sure that they understand it before registering for an Account. 

12.    When communicating with Account Holders Cinema City will use the contact information (email address and phone numbers) provided in the Account Holder’s Account. Account Holders are responsible for updating their information within their Account so that it remains true, accurate, current and complete at all times.

13.    Account Holders may update contact details and other personal information including their marketing preferences at any time through their Account.

14.    Providing personal data is voluntary, but providing data marked as required during registration for an Account is necessary for Cinema City to complete the Account Holder’s application for and provide the Account and the functions and facilities within it.

Changes to Online Account and Account Terms 

15.    Cinema City does not guarantee that the Accounts or facilities or functions available within them will always be available or be uninterrupted. Account Holders may only use the facilities and functions made available in the Account by Cinema City at the time of use. Cinema City may update, change, withdraw, suspend or restrict availability or access to Accounts or any functions or facilities within them from time to time and without notice to reflect changes to its products and services, users' needs and our business priorities or for technical reasons.

16.    To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cinema City has the right to change these Account Terms as well as to add or remove any parts thereof in its sole discretion and without a prior notice. Any changes to these Account Terms become effective on the date the updated Account Terms are published on the Web Site or are otherwise notified to the Account Holder. Cinema City will not be liable for any costs, loss or damages caused by any lawful changes to these Terms.   

Suspension, termination and closure of Accounts 

17.    Cinema City may terminate, withdraw or suspend the Accounts area of the Web Site or any Account at any time for any reason on reasonable notice in writing to the Account Holder. 

18.    Cinema City may immediately suspend and/or terminate an Account Holder’s Account if: 
        (i)    Cinema City suspects any fraud or any other illegal activity in any matter connected to the registration for or use of an Account or if such use is against good manners; 
        (ii)    the Account Holder or anyone else misuses their Account; 
        (iii)    the Account Holder commits any other material breach of these Terms which cannot be corrected or if it can be corrected has not been corrected within a reasonable time; or 
        (iv)    the Account Holder engages in any behaviour or activity that is disruptive to or damaging to any Cinema City business or operation or reputation, process or practice, including breaching Cinema City’s Regulations https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/terms-and-conditions-cinema-city

19.    Cinema City may close a User’s Account and delete all information contained therein (including User’s personal information) where the Account Holder has not logged in to the Account for a period of 12 consecutive months or more. 


E-Club Account access and management service 

20.    Members of the Cinema City Loyalty Club (“E-Club”) may be given access to an Account for use in connection with their E-Club membership.

21.    On completion of the E-Club registration process, Cinema City will automatically create and register an Account for the E-Club member and the Account will be subject to these Account Terms as well as the Cinema City Loyalty Club rules, available at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/terms-and-conditions-cinema-city#004. If the E-Club Member already has an Account prior to joining E-Club then the E-Club Member’s Account will be associated with the Account, during the registration process, to enable the E-Club Member to use their account in connection with their E-Club Membership.  

22.    Termination of an Account Holder’s E-Club membership does not mean the Account will be closed automatically and the Account Holder may continue to use the Account in accordance with and subject to the Terms.


Valid from 13/11/2023



1. We may make changes to our Sites

1.    We may update and change our Sites from time to time without notice to Users to reflect changes to our products, our users' needs and our business priorities or technical reasons. Cinema City will not be liable for any costs, losses or damages caused by any changes made to its Sites for any reason.
2.    In the event of a pricing error on our Sites or social network sites, Cinema City reserves the right to correct, modify or change such pricing at any time and once corrected, shall be effective and apply only as corrected.


2. We may suspend or withdraw our Sites

1.    Our Sites are made available free of charge.

2.    We do not guarantee that our Sites, or any services or content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. 

3.    We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of our Sites and or services for business, technical and operational reasons. 

4.    You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Sites through your internet connection are aware of these terms of use and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.


3. Territorial range

1.    Our Sites are directed to people residing in Czech Republic. We do not represent that content available on or through our Sites is appropriate for use or available in other locations.

4. We are not responsible for websites we link to

1.    Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our Sites, we make no   representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our Sites is accurate, complete or up to date.

2.    Where our Sites contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by us of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them.

3.    We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources.


5. Rules about linking to our Sites

1.    You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.

2.    You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

3.    You must not establish a link to our Sites in any website that is not owned by you.

4.    Our Site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page.

5.    If you wish to link to or make any use of content on our Sites other than that set out above, please contact [email protected].


6. We are not responsible for viruses and you must not introduce them

1.    You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our Sites. You should use your own virus protection software.

2.    You must not misuse our Sites by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Sites, the server on which our Sites are stored or any server, computer or database connected to our Sites. You must not attack any of our Sites via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.  We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our Sites will cease immediately.


7. Technical requirements

1.    Technical requirements necessary for proper use of the Sites:
        a.    software: having any browser installed and running that supports the JavaScript application; 
        b.    program enabling previewing and printing of files saved in JPG or PDF format;
        c.    Internet Explorer version 6 and above or Firefox version 2.0 or higher;
        d.    minimum resolution (800 x 600) or higher.

2.    The following technologies may be used on the Sites: Java, JavaScript, Macromedia Flash, XML, PHP, DHTML, cookies, HTML, CSS.3.

3.    Our Sites and the functions and facilities on those Sites are usually provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; but we may interrupt the functioning of the Sites where necessary for purposes of repair, maintenance or modification of hardware or software and causes independent of Cinema City. 

4.    Data sent via the Sites is protected by means of Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

5.    Closing the User's browser may result in deletion of data sent to the Sites. All settings affecting storing or deleting of the session are in the User's browser.

6.    Disabling cookies does not usually block the use of the Services, but may in some cases cause difficulties in connection to the Sites.

8. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights 

1.    The Sites contain content protected by copyright, industrial property rights and intangible assets protected by intellectual property rights. All content presented on the Sites, in particular graphics, trademarks, logos, icons, photos, videos and other content may not be reproduced or disseminated in any form and in any way.
2.    No part of the publication (including: text, graphics, logos, icons, images, photos, audio files, video files with data, presentations, programs and any other data) presented on the Sites should be reproduced or distributed without prior permission of Cinema City.

9. Safe and lawful use of the Sites

1.    The User undertakes not to take illegal, offensive or potentially interfering or damaging actions on the Sites.

2.    It is prohibited for the User to provide any unlawful content or content against good manners via the Sites.

3.    The User is obliged to protect the information enabling his identification in electronic access channels, in particular, in relation to an Account, by not sharing the Login or Password with any other person.

4.    The password for the Account should be changed periodically by the User. For security reasons, it is recommended to create a strong Password, avoiding passwords being words from the dictionary, or which are otherwise easily predictable.

5.    Cinema City shall not be liable for the consequences of the User providing information enabling his identification on the Site by unauthorized persons.

6.    The User undertakes not to disclose his Account to persons other than the User and bears liability for factual and legal actions made as part of the Site's functionality through the User's Account in connection with the unauthorized access to the Login and Password.

7.    If it is suspected that the Login or Password has been taken over by unauthorized persons, the User is obliged to immediately change the Password or contact Cinema City by sending a message via the Contact Form.

8.    The Sites are monitored by a visitor tracking tool and statistical information is provided to Cinema City within the framework of this monitoring to evaluate the use of the Sites and the total number of visitors to the Sites.  For further information about this and the use of Cookies on the Sites, Users should refer to the Cinema City Cookies Policy available at https://www.cinemacity.cz/static/en/cz/privacy-policy-cz
10. Processing Personal Data 

1.    Cinema City will process Users' personal data in order to provide the Services used and requested by the User on our Sites. More information on how Cinema City collects information about Users, how information collected is used, User’s rights in relation to their personal data and how to contact our data protection supervisor is set out in the Cinema City Privacy Policy (latest version July 2019) on the website www.cinema-city.cz/privacy-policy-cz

2.    Cinema City applies technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of personal data adequate to the threats and categories of data protected and, in particular, protects data against unauthorized disclosure, removal by an unauthorized person, processing in violation of applicable law and change, loss, damage or destruction.


11. Complaints Procedure 

1.    The User has the right to make a complaint regarding the Services provided on the Sites.

2.    Complaints should be filed as soon as possible after occurrence of the event being the basis of the complaint.

3.    Complaints should contain at least: name, surname, contact details (postal address or e-mail address) and a description of circumstances justifying submission of the complaint by the User.

4.    Complaints should be submitted to the following address: [email protected] or by post to the address Arkalycká 951/3, Praha 4 – HÁJE, 149 00.

5.    Complaints will be considered by Cinema City and reply will be sent within 30 days after receipt of the complaint. The reply will be sent to the contact details indicated by the User while filing the complaint.

6.    Cinema City may request additional information as long as it proves necessary to establish the facts and consider the complaint.


12. Google and Apple

1.    The Agreement for use of the Site is solely between the User and Cinema City.  Google LLC (“Google”) and Apple Inc. (“Apple”) are not parties to such Agreement. 

2.    By using any products, services, content or software provided by Google or Apple (including without limitation the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store), the User agrees to be bound by all applicable terms of use and privacy policies of Google or Apple. 

3.    Google and Apple are not responsible for any third-party claim that any Cinema City Mobile Application, or the User’s possession or use of any Mobile Application, infringes a third party’s intellectual property rights. 


13. Final Provisions 

1.    These Terms may be amended by Cinema City and any changes will be made available on the Sites. Amendments to these Terms do not affect the rights of the User already acquired on the basis of the previous version of the Terms. Use of the Sites or Services by the User after introduction of changes to the Terms shall be understood as their acceptance.

2.    Common courts in Czech Republic shall resolve any disputes arising herefrom, unless otherwise provided by mandatory provisions of law. The User, which is a consumer, has a right for alternative dispute resolution provided by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its seated at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, http://www.coi.cz, on the site.


Valid from 3/12/2020





These General Terms of Trade will apply to purchase of gift vouchers issued by the business company Cinema City Czech s.r.o., company identification number: 264 49 242, with its registered office at Prague 4 - Háje, Arkalycká 951/3, postcode 149 00, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry 82991 (hereinafter called "Cinema City" or "Operator"), intended for their subsequent exchange for tickets entitling to visit one of the multiplexes of the Operator in the territory of the Czech Republic or to buy refreshment therein.



1.         Introductory Provisions and Definition of Terms


1.1.      These Terms of Trade (hereinafter called "TT") define in more detail the rights and obligations of the Operator and the customer who will buy an electronic gift voucher from the Operator for its exchange for a ticket entitling to visit one of the multiplexes of the Operator in the territory of the Czech Republic or to buy refreshment in their bars, as contracting parties from the so-called innominate contract concluded under Section 1746(2), or purchase contract concluded under Section 2079 et seq. of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, or any other contractual relationship.


1.2.      "Voucher" shall mean a printed gift voucher or electronic gift voucher.



1.4.      "Electronic Gift Voucher" shall mean a gift voucher provided with a unique numerical and bar code and printed out by the customer, or a gift voucher in the JPG format provided with a unique numerical and bar code, presented by the customer through a mobile electronic device (especially mobile telephone, tablet, etc.), bought on www.cinemacity.cz. Each Electronic Gift Voucher contains a unique bar code.


1.5.      "Customer" shall mean a buyer of Electronic Gift Voucher.


1.6.      "Ticket" shall mean a ticket received by the Customer after payment for chosen film or other similar performance (defined by date, time and cinema auditorium) in the Cinema City multiplex ticket office.


1.7.      "Website" shall mean the website www.cinemacity.cz.


1.8.      "Handling Charge" shall mean the charge of CZK 24 (20 for family offer) for use of the on-line purchase of the Ticket for a visit of any multiplex operated by us, i.e. of a Ticket entitling its holder to visit any Cinema City multiplex of his/her choice through the e-shop operated by us. It is not a fee for payment by a credit card. The fee is charged in case where the Customer buys the Voucher through the Website. All Vouchers bought on-line after 3/12/2020 include already this charge, so it need not be paid separately upon their use.


1.9.      "Locations" shall mean the place for which the validity of the Voucher was chosen upon its purchase (for example Prague or Brno).


1.10.    By purchase and use of the Voucher the Customer confirms that he/she has read these Terms of Trade and agrees to their contents.


1.11.    "General Terms of Trade" shall mean the terms and conditions for purchase of goods and services of Cinema City published on the Website.


1.12.    "Multiplexes" are all multiplexes operated under the brand Cinema City in the territory of the Czech Republic.



2.         Purchase of a Gift Voucher


2.2.      The Electronic Gift Voucher may be bought on-line through the Website and paid by the PayPal and PayU systems. PayPal supports payments made by the PayPal account. PayU supports quick bank transfers and payments by credit cards.


2.3.      The Electronic Gift Voucher is bought after entering of the required and true data necessary for the transaction and after approval of the General Terms of Trade, including these ones, and approval of personal data processing. The Electronic Gift Voucher will be sent to the e-mail specified by the Customer immediately after completion of the transaction.


2.4.      Cinema City reserves the right to sell also other kinds of Vouchers. The terms and conditions of these Gift Vouchers are determined individually for every individual case of sale of Gift Vouchers.


2.5.      No points are credited for purchase of Vouchers to the fidelity account of the Cinema City Club.



3.         Use of Gift Vouchers


3.1.      The Voucher shall be exchanged for the Ticket before commencement of screening of the film performance either in the ticket office of the given Multiplex or through the Website before commencement of screening of the film performance. All Vouchers bought after 3/12/2020 contain already the handling charge. If, for any reason, the Voucher does not contain this charge, the Customer shall pay it upon on-line use of the Voucher.


3.2.      Upon exchange of the Voucher for a Ticket, the Customer is not entitled to ask for returning or exchange of the ticket.


3.3.      Vouchers may also be exchanged for refreshment in the Multiplex bar. The use of a Voucher for bar products is only possible directly in the Cinema City bars.


3.4.      The basis for use of the Voucher is a unique bar code. The Customer is obliged to protect the code against damage or misuse by third parties (for example by publishing its photographs). In case that the code on the Voucher is not valid or has demonstrably been already used before (such fact will be saved in the Operator's system), the Voucher will not be accepted. In such case, the Customer will have no right to any compensation or replacement from the Operator.


3.5.      The ownership of the Voucher entitles the Customer to buy Tickets for a performance in the Multiplex chosen by the Customer according to the current and valid programme. The Voucher cannot be used by its exchange for a Ticket for some selected special events and screenings organized by Cinema City (always get information in the ticket office of the respective Multiplex or on the website). The Voucher cannot be exchanged for a Ticket for the performance, where the capacity of the hall of the Multiplex has already been exhausted.


3.6.      The Voucher can be used for a film performance held on the last day of validity of the respective Voucher at the latest.



Electronic Gift Vouchers which may be bought on-line on the website www.cinemacity.cz:



Name of Voucher

Type of Voucher

Where to use it


Handling charge



Single 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 1 Ticket for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Single 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 1 Ticket for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



Couple 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Couple 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



Duet 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance and DUET menu. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Duet 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance and DUET menu. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



2x VIP 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for VIP performance.

VIP Chodov only



2x 4DX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in 4DX hall.

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic; 4DX hall is in Cinema City Nový Smíchov, Cinema City Chodov, Cinema City Plzeň and Cinema City Olympia Brno.



2x 4DX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in 4DX hall.

According to chosen location. 



2x IMAX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in IMAX hall.

IMAX is in Cinema City Flora only.




If the order has not been completed, the Provider is not obliged to conclude the contract.





4.         Possibility of Use of a Gift Voucher Beyond Its Specification


4.1.      The Customer may use the Voucher intended to be used in a selected Location only also in other Location after payment of the difference in the price of Vouchers either on-line or in the Multiplex ticket office. The Customer may apply the Voucher with a possibility to be used in all Multiplexes in the territory of the whole Czech Republic in any possible Cinema City Multiplex without the necessity of a balance payment. In case of use of a more expensive variant of a Voucher for a cheaper Location or a cheaper Ticket the Customer is not entitled to returning of the price difference or to keeping of the price difference under the unique code of the Voucher for its further use. The Voucher may not be exchanged for another Voucher. The value of the Voucher may not be reimbursed in cash or resold subsequently.


4.2.      Vouchers which may be used for 2D performances only may not be used for 3D performances and for performances in 4DX, IMAX and VIP halls. If you wish to use the Voucher for purchase of a Ticket in other performance format (3D, IMAX, 4DX, VIP), you will have to pay the difference between the prices on-line or in the Multiplex ticket office. Click here to view all surcharges. In case of use of the Voucher for a cheaper format, the price difference will not be refunded or kept under the unique code, and such difference will expire.


5.         Selected Specifications of a Gift Voucher


5.1.      Vouchers for 3D performances contain also 2x 3D glasses. 3D glasses are sold in all Multiplexes, except for Cinema City Pardubice. They are lent to Customers in the Cinema City Multiplex Pardubice and the Customers must return them after the end of the performance.


5.2.      Vouchers cannot be re-charged repeatedly. In case of loss of the Voucher, no duplicate Voucher may be issued.


5.3.      If the Customer will not use glasses in case of a Voucher containing glasses, the glasses will remain recorded in the Voucher for the future and may be used for the next visit of the Multiplex, until expiry of the Voucher.


5.4.      Vouchers containing possibility to use 2 Tickets need not be used for one performance.


5.5.      If you will use the Voucher in the ticket office of a Multiplex, you may not use repayment of the handling charge. The handling charge will be deducted from the Voucher together with the Ticket for which the Voucher will be used (upon use in the Multiplex ticket office as well as on-line).



6.         Price List and Possibility of Use of a Voucher


6.1.      The current price list of individual Vouchers is given on the website www.cinemacity.cz and is also available in ticket offices of the Cinema City Multiplexes.


6.2.      Tickets and products for which Vouchers may be used are written on the Voucher as well as in the confirming e-mail to the Customer.


6.3.      Vouchers may not be used for special events and performances (for example Ladies Night, film marathons, special VIP events, etc.). This information is always given in the rules of the given event.


6.4.      Vouchers cannot be combined with other discounts and special events of Cinema City. An exception may be given in the rules of the given event.


6.5.      The owner of the Voucher may transfer his/her Voucher to a third party free of charge. With transfer of the Voucher, these Terms of Trade shall apply to this third party. With transfer of the Voucher to a third party, its original Owner undertakes to inform this person about the rules of use of Vouchers.


6.6.      The owner of the Voucher is not entitled to resell the Voucher (alienate for consideration) without previous written approval of Cinema City.



7.         Refusal of Use of a Gift Voucher by the Provider


7.1.      The Provider may refuse the use of the Gift Voucher for the following reasons:

            -           the Voucher was presented after its expiry;

            -           the Voucher has already been used before;

            -           the Voucher was invalidated for the reason of withdrawal from the Contract;

            -           the use of the Voucher would be contrary to valid legal regulations;

            -           the Voucher was devaluated so that it is impossible to verify its authenticity, validity or to read its electronic data.



8.         Exchange of a Gift Voucher


8.1.      The bought Gift Vouchers may not be returned or exchanged for cash or any other consideration and no duplicates thereof may be issued.


8.2.      In case of a complaint as to functioning of the Electronic Gift Voucher, the receipt confirming its purchase shall be presented. In case of the Electronic Gift Voucher, such document will be an e-mail confirming purchase of the Voucher.



9.         Withdrawal from the Contract and Damages


9.1.      The Customer having bought an Electronic Gift Voucher has the right to withdraw from the contract on its purchase within 14 days without giving any reason (i.e. no Gift Vouchers). This right expires after 14 days from the date written in the e-mail. If the Customer of an Electronic Gift Voucher intends to withdraw from the contract, he/she must do so in writing by e-mail to the address [email protected] or by post to the address Arkalycká 951/3, 149 00, Prague 4. The amount will be repaid in the same payment method as the original payment within 14 days after the date on which the company Cinema City received the notice on withdrawal from the contract. The withdrawal from the contract is not possible in case that the Voucher has already been exchanged for a Ticket.


9.2.      Cinema City is not liable for loss, destruction or theft of a Voucher. If the Voucher will be lost, no duplicate will be issued.



10.       Validity of a Voucher


10.1.    Electronic gift vouchers purchased during the cinema closure due to COVID-19 are valid till 31/12/2021


10.2.    The validity of a Voucher cannot be prolonged.



11.       The current programme is available at www.cinemacity.cz.


These Terms and Conditions are valid from 3/12/2020





These General Terms of Trade will apply to purchase of gift vouchers issued by the business company Cinema City Czech s.r.o., company identification number: 264 49 242, with its registered office at Prague 4 - Háje, Arkalycká 951/3, postcode 149 00, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, entry 82991 (hereinafter called "Cinema City" or "Operator"), intended for their subsequent exchange for tickets entitling to visit one of the multiplexes of the Operator in the territory of the Czech Republic or to buy refreshment therein.



1.         Introductory Provisions and Definition of Terms


1.1.      These Terms of Trade (hereinafter called "TT") define in more detail the rights and obligations of the Operator and the customer who will buy an electronic gift voucher from the Operator for its exchange for a ticket entitling to visit one of the multiplexes of the Operator in the territory of the Czech Republic or to buy refreshment in their bars, as contracting parties from the so-called innominate contract concluded under Section 1746(2), or purchase contract concluded under Section 2079 et seq. of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, or any other contractual relationship.


1.2.      "Voucher" shall mean a printed gift voucher or electronic gift voucher.


1.4.      "Electronic Gift Voucher" shall mean a gift voucher provided with a unique numerical and bar code and printed out by the customer, or a gift voucher in the JPG format provided with a unique numerical and bar code, presented by the customer through a mobile electronic device (especially mobile telephone, tablet, etc.), bought on www.cinemacity.cz. Each Electronic Gift Voucher contains a unique bar code.


1.5.      "Customer" shall mean a buyer of Electronic Gift Voucher.


1.6.      "Ticket" shall mean a ticket received by the Customer after payment for chosen film or other similar performance (defined by date, time and cinema auditorium) in the Cinema City multiplex ticket office.


1.7.      "Website" shall mean the website www.cinemacity.cz.


1.8.      "Handling Charge" shall mean the charge of CZK 24 for use of the on-line purchase of the Ticket for a visit of any multiplex operated by us, i.e. of a Ticket entitling its holder to visit any Cinema City multiplex of his/her choice through the e-shop operated by us. It is not a fee for payment by a credit card. The fee is charged in case where the Customer buys the Voucher through the Website. All Vouchers bought on-line after 3/12/2020 include already this charge, so it need not be paid separately upon their use.


1.9.      "Locations" shall mean the place for which the validity of the Voucher was chosen upon its purchase (for example Prague or Brno).


1.10.    By purchase and use of the Voucher the Customer confirms that he/she has read these Terms of Trade and agrees to their contents.


1.11.    "General Terms of Trade" shall mean the terms and conditions for purchase of goods and services of Cinema City published on the Website.


1.12.    "Multiplexes" are all multiplexes operated under the brand Cinema City in the territory of the Czech Republic.



2.         Purchase of a Gift Voucher


2.2.      The Electronic Gift Voucher may be bought on-line through the Website and paid by the PayPal and PayU systems. PayPal supports payments made by the PayPal account. PayU supports quick bank transfers and payments by credit cards.


2.3.      The Electronic Gift Voucher is bought after entering of the required and true data necessary for the transaction and after approval of the General Terms of Trade, including these ones, and approval of personal data processing. The Electronic Gift Voucher will be sent to the e-mail specified by the Customer immediately after completion of the transaction.


2.4.      Cinema City reserves the right to sell also other kinds of Vouchers. The terms and conditions of these Gift Vouchers are determined individually for every individual case of sale of Gift Vouchers.


2.5.      No points are credited for purchase of Vouchers to the fidelity account of the Cinema City Club.



3.         Use of Gift Vouchers


3.1.      The Voucher shall be exchanged for the Ticket before commencement of screening of the film performance either in the ticket office of the given Multiplex or through the Website before commencement of screening of the film performance. All Vouchers bought after 3/12/2020 contain already the handling charge. If, for any reason, the Voucher does not contain this charge, the Customer shall pay it upon on-line use of the Voucher.


3.2.      Upon exchange of the Voucher for a Ticket, the Customer is not entitled to ask for returning or exchange of the ticket.


3.3.      Vouchers may also be exchanged for refreshment in the Multiplex bar. The use of a Voucher for bar products is only possible directly in the Cinema City bars.


3.4.      The basis for use of the Voucher is a unique bar code. The Customer is obliged to protect the code against damage or misuse by third parties (for example by publishing its photographs). In case that the code on the Voucher is not valid or has demonstrably been already used before (such fact will be saved in the Operator's system), the Voucher will not be accepted. In such case, the Customer will have no right to any compensation or replacement from the Operator.


3.5.      The ownership of the Voucher entitles the Customer to buy Tickets for a performance in the Multiplex chosen by the Customer according to the current and valid programme. The Voucher cannot be used by its exchange for a Ticket for some selected special events and screenings organized by Cinema City (always get information in the ticket office of the respective Multiplex or on the website). The Voucher cannot be exchanged for a Ticket for the performance, where the capacity of the hall of the Multiplex has already been exhausted.


3.6.      The Voucher can be used for a film performance held on the last day of validity of the respective Voucher at the latest.



Electronic Gift Vouchers which may be bought on-line on the website www.cinemacity.cz:



Name of Voucher

Type of Voucher

Where to use it


Handling charge



Single 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 1 Ticket for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Single 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 1 Ticket for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



Couple 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Couple 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



Duet 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance and DUET menu. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic



Duet 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D performance and DUET menu. (Not valid for VIP, IMAX and 4DX.)

According to chosen location



2x VIP 2D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for VIP performance.

VIP Chodov only



2x 4DX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in 4DX hall.

All Cinema City Multiplexes in the Czech Republic; 4DX hall is in Cinema City Nový Smíchov, Cinema City Chodov, Cinema City Plzeň and Cinema City Olympia Brno.



2x 4DX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in 4DX hall.

According to chosen location. 



2x IMAX 3D

Voucher may be exchanged for 2 Tickets for 2D or 3D performance in IMAX hall.

IMAX is in Cinema City Flora only.




If the order has not been completed, the Provider is not obliged to conclude the contract.





4.         Possibility of Use of a Gift Voucher Beyond Its Specification


4.1.      The Customer may use the Voucher intended to be used in a selected Location only also in other Location after payment of the difference in the price of Vouchers either on-line or in the Multiplex ticket office. The Customer may apply the Voucher with a possibility to be used in all Multiplexes in the territory of the whole Czech Republic in any possible Cinema City Multiplex without the necessity of a balance payment. In case of use of a more expensive variant of a Voucher for a cheaper Location or a cheaper Ticket the Customer is not entitled to returning of the price difference or to keeping of the price difference under the unique code of the Voucher for its further use. The Voucher may not be exchanged for another Voucher. The value of the Voucher may not be reimbursed in cash or resold subsequently.


4.2.      Vouchers which may be used for 2D performances only may not be used for 3D performances and for performances in 4DX, IMAX and VIP halls. If you wish to use the Voucher for purchase of a Ticket in other performance format (3D, IMAX, 4DX, VIP), you will have to pay the difference between the prices on-line or in the Multiplex ticket office. Click here to view all surcharges. In case of use of the Voucher for a cheaper format, the price difference will not be refunded or kept under the unique code, and such difference will expire.


5.         Selected Specifications of a Gift Voucher


5.1.      Vouchers for 3D performances contain also 2x 3D glasses. 3D glasses are sold in all Multiplexes, except for Cinema City Pardubice. They are lent to Customers in the Cinema City Multiplex Pardubice and the Customers must return them after the end of the performance.


5.2.      Vouchers cannot be re-charged repeatedly. In case of loss of the Voucher, no duplicate Voucher may be issued.


5.3.      If the Customer will not use glasses in case of a Voucher containing glasses, the glasses will remain recorded in the Voucher for the future and may be used for the next visit of the Multiplex, until expiry of the Voucher.


5.4.      Vouchers containing possibility to use 2 Tickets need not be used for one performance.


5.5.      If you will use the Voucher in the ticket office of a Multiplex, you may not use repayment of the handling charge. The handling charge will be deducted from the Voucher together with the Ticket for which the Voucher will be used (upon use in the Multiplex ticket office as well as on-line).



6.         Price List and Possibility of Use of a Voucher


6.1.      The current price list of individual Vouchers is given on the website www.cinemacity.cz and is also available in ticket offices of the Cinema City Multiplexes.


6.2.      Tickets and products for which Vouchers may be used are written on the Voucher as well as in the confirming e-mail to the Customer.


6.3.      Vouchers may not be used for special events and performances (for example Ladies Night, film marathons, special VIP events, etc.). This information is always given in the rules of the given event.


6.4.      Vouchers cannot be combined with other discounts and special events of Cinema City. An exception may be given in the rules of the given event.


6.5.      The owner of the Voucher may transfer his/her Voucher to a third party free of charge. With transfer of the Voucher, these Terms of Trade shall apply to this third party. With transfer of the Voucher to a third party, its original Owner undertakes to inform this person about the rules of use of Vouchers.


6.6.      The owner of the Voucher is not entitled to resell the Voucher (alienate for consideration) without previous written approval of Cinema City.



7.         Refusal of Use of a Gift Voucher by the Provider


7.1.      The Provider may refuse the use of the Gift Voucher for the following reasons:

            -           the Voucher was presented after its expiry;

            -           the Voucher has already been used before;

            -           the Voucher was invalidated for the reason of withdrawal from the Contract;

            -           the use of the Voucher would be contrary to valid legal regulations;

            -           the Voucher was devaluated so that it is impossible to verify its authenticity, validity or to read its electronic data.



8.         Exchange of a Gift Voucher


8.1.      The bought Gift Vouchers may not be returned or exchanged for cash or any other consideration and no duplicates thereof may be issued.


8.2.      In case of a complaint as to functioning of the Electronic Gift Voucher, the receipt confirming its purchase shall be presented. In case of the Electronic Gift Voucher, such document will be an e-mail confirming purchase of the Voucher.



9.         Withdrawal from the Contract and Damages


9.1.      The Customer having bought an Electronic Gift Voucher has the right to withdraw from the contract on its purchase within 14 days without giving any reason (i.e. no Gift Vouchers). This right expires after 14 days from the date written in the e-mail. If the Customer of an Electronic Gift Voucher intends to withdraw from the contract, he/she must do so in writing by e-mail to the address [email protected] or by post to the address Arkalycká 951/3, 149 00, Prague 4. The amount will be repaid in the same payment method as the original payment within 14 days after the date on which the company Cinema City received the notice on withdrawal from the contract. The withdrawal from the contract is not possible in case that the Voucher has already been exchanged for a Ticket.


9.2.      Cinema City is not liable for loss, destruction or theft of a Voucher. If the Voucher will be lost, no duplicate will be issued.



10.       Validity of a Voucher


10.1.    Electronic gift vouchers purchased during the cinema closure due to COVID-19 are valid till 31/12/2021


10.2.    The validity of a Voucher cannot be prolonged.



11.       The current programme is available at www.cinemacity.cz.


These Terms and Conditions are valid from 13/11/2023